Leave Your Own Legacy

All over America there are schools that have no money for a bus to take students on field trips. For many students, exposure to art, music, dance, theater, science, or nature through a field trip changes their lives. It can open their eyes to beauty and interests that can inspire them and give them ideas and hope for the future, or it may simply give them a new and happy experience they will always remember. But here’s where you can step in and do something positive and special for these kids. You can sponsor a field trip. This is not hard. It doesn’t take a huge investment of time or money. Yet, when you join the children on these trips, see their faces light up as they experience this adventure, it will light up your life and make your life feel more meaningful. In the past few years I have gotten more than 2,000 students out into nature multiple times. The pictures on the website give you an idea of what the experience means to the children. Here is what you would do to create your own legacy:

1. Contact the principal at a needy school in your area and tell him/her that you wish to provide a field trip for students and you will pay for the bus. You might want to suggest a visit to a museum, concert, play, or out into nature, whatever would please you.

2. The Principal will hopefully be excited and share ideas with you. Generally, because these are underserved children the places you wish to take them will waive the fee as part of their charitable care as a not-for-profit organization. These organizations also want to demonstrate how they reach out to children from low income families.

3. The Principal will assign a teacher and pick the grade. They can arrange for the buses, and you will pay the school the costs. Your check to the school will be tax deductible. You will not be incurring any type of legal liability.

4. Most importantly, you show up at the destination and observe the students on the field trip. Your reward, which is priceless, is watching the children’s faces and responses to the trip. I have the children write thank you notes for the trip, because I think it is important for them to learn this and then I read the notes on a gloomy day and I share them with the staff at nature centers so they can see how much their work is appreciated.

I am confident that this will be one of the best days of your life. Because I try to give the students numerous trips into nature, by the second trip they know me and greet me with “Hi Miss Barbara”, or “Thank you very much”. For me, this brings incredible joy. I want you to have the same experience.

Accomplishing what I have done does not take much money ($500- $1,000 per field trip) or a huge effort. You truly can change the lives of the children in your community. You can create a lasting legacy showing your concern for the next generation by giving students an unforgettable positive experience!!

If you are interested in doing this in your community and want me to talk you through it, please don’t hesitate to call me at 847-204-3550 or contact me at barbaraweiner@att.net.